Tuesday, 3 March 2009

White Rabbit

The problem with making art for the natural landscape, says the artist Nick Garnett, is the degree of beauty that's already there.

These photos were taken within an hour's walk of my house in the Chilterns AONB on Sunday 1 March 2009. I think they underline Nick's point!

These lines on the stump of a felled tree tell a story I can't quite read.

The art of geology - chalky brush strokes.

Just a few gorse flowers out so far. I'm looking forward to that sweet smell they pour out.

Bluebells pushing through the leaf litter. In a few weeks this forest floor will be luminous with colour.

Of course art and nature reflect one another. To talk of human artifice as something separate from natural ingenuity, to see the man-made as unnatural, masks the truth that we are every bit as wild as the bluebells. That's why they move us.