Wednesday 11 November 2009

Endangered Species

Thanks to the Children and Nature network on twitter for pointing me towards this clip on You Tube:  a wildlife documentary that manages to film a few children in their natural habitat:  the last children in the woods.

Of course it's all good fun, but it strikes me that there's a connection to be made.  As the population of outdoor children plummets towards extinction, more and more adults emerge disconnected from the natural environment and find it harder to perceive the effects of climate change, pollution and species loss that ultimately threaten humanity.  So my hypothesis is that a trend in the population of outdoor children could predict a trend in the population of homo sapiens.

Ultimately, re-connecting children with nature is not altruistic.  There are billions of other planets, but my DNA is stuck on this one.

1 comment:

Juliet Robertson said...

Hi Al

Did you know that the Children & Nature Network have a social website - please do sign up as it would be great to have a bigger representation from the UK.

Best wishes